
Alexandra Minuk, M.Ed., OCT

Alexandra Minuk is a Ph.D. candidate at Queen’s University, Faculty of Education, and Assistant Director of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Education (Add*Ed) group.

Additionally, Alexandra teaches various courses related to inclusive education in the Bachelor of Education and Technological Education programs. With a background as a special education teacher and consultant, Alexandra’s research spans several topics related to autism including educational placement and teacher professional learning.     


Essential Professional Learning Activities for Teaching Students with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Friday November 1st, 2024 @ 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Teachers of students with autism and developmental disabilities require training that supports the development of specific competencies related to teaching and learning. This session explores teacher professional learning related to 12 core competencies for special education, including family collaboration, individualized instruction, and inclusive practice.  


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