
Tiffaney Malley

Tiffaney Malley is an urban Indigenous Helper and proud mother to five gifted children.

Three of her awesome kids have Special Needs and are connected to Wikwimekong First Nation and Washagamis Bay First Nation. Her role as an Indigenous Helper is to bring awareness to the huge system gaps that currently exist with the lack of access to Indigenous Autism support services for First Nation Metis and Inuit children youth and adults in Toronto and the GTA. She has recently incorporated an Indigenous Non-Profit agency called The Toronto Indigenous Land Trust with the goal to acquire land and create an On the Land School for Special Needs Students. 


Voices of Care: Insights from Three Families' Autism Journeys.  
Thursday October 31st, 2024 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

The experiences of autistic people and their families are as broad as the autism spectrum itself. In this panel discussion, families will share the ups and downs of their journeys and lessons learned along the way. They will share perspectives on what worked and what didn’t while navigating their own unique path.  


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