Research Poster
The poster session will be taking place on October 30th, 5pm-6pm in the Grand Foyer. Review the following posters and engage in meaningful conversation with the presenters.
#1. Examining Criminal Justice with Autistic Adults in Canada.
Presenter: Stephanie Ehret
#2. A Pilot Evaluation of the Novel Infant Social ABCs Caregiver-Mediated Intervention
Presenter: Erin Dowds
#3. Understanding challenges to service access and exploring the efficacy of an online self-guided stress management workbook.
Presenter: D’Amico Miranda, Tobia Jessica, De Luca Paul and Chae So Yun
#4. Identifying facilitators and barriers to pediatric autism assessment across Ontario: An Implementation Science Framework
Presenter: Lens Zahra Wakif, Melanie Penner and Lisa Kanigsburg
#5. Rethinking Social Communication Support: Exploring Communication Partner Training for Autistic Adults and Their Neurotypical Communication Partners
Presenter: Maya Albin
#6. Musical Structures and Emotion Recognition of Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum and their Typically Developing
Presenter: Peers Alexa Servant
#7. Using Virtual Reality to Teach Perspective-Taking to Children on the Autism Spectrum
Presenter: Tianyue Ma and Yancy Liu
#8. Autistic Youth Experiences of “Social Skills” as Coerced Assimilation
Presenter: Lulu Larcenciel
#9. A Systematic Review of Disability Barriers Faced by Autistic Girls in Secondary Education
Presenter: Urbaniak Kathryn and D’Amico Miranda
#10. Establishing a Rapid Learning Health System to Enhance Care and Outcomes for Populations of Children and Youth with Extensive Needs
Presenter: Zainab Salami and Bisola Olaseni