
Research Poster

The poster session will be taking place on October 30th, 5pm-6pm in the Grand Foyer. Review the following posters and engage in meaningful conversation with the presenters.


#1. Examining Criminal Justice with Autistic Adults in Canada.

Presenter:  Stephanie Ehret 

#2. A Pilot Evaluation of the Novel Infant Social ABCs Caregiver-Mediated Intervention

Presenter:  Erin Dowds

#3. Understanding challenges to service access and exploring the efficacy of an online self-guided stress management workbook.

Presenter: D’Amico Miranda, Tobia Jessica, De Luca Paul and Chae So Yun  

#4. Identifying facilitators and barriers to pediatric autism assessment across Ontario: An Implementation Science Framework

Presenter:  Lens Zahra Wakif, Melanie Penner and Lisa Kanigsburg


#5. Rethinking Social Communication Support: Exploring Communication Partner Training for Autistic Adults and Their Neurotypical Communication Partners

Presenter:  Maya Albin


#6. Musical Structures and Emotion Recognition of Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum and their Typically Developing

Presenter:  Peers Alexa Servant


#7. Using Virtual Reality to Teach Perspective-Taking to Children on the Autism Spectrum

Presenter:  Tianyue Ma and Yancy Liu


#8. Autistic Youth Experiences of “Social Skills” as Coerced Assimilation

Presenter:  Lulu Larcenciel


#9. A Systematic Review of Disability Barriers Faced by Autistic Girls in Secondary Education

Presenter: Urbaniak Kathryn and D’Amico Miranda


#10. Establishing a Rapid Learning Health System to Enhance Care and Outcomes for Populations of Children and Youth with Extensive Needs

Presenter:  Zainab Salami and Bisola Olaseni


“I enjoyed the opportunity to expose my research to a diverse audience, including parents, school teachers, and professionals in the autism field. It is great to know that online education about autism is in high demand and our work and research is making a positive impact.”

- Lin Zhang
Presenter of The Use Of Live Online Chat In E-Learning: A Survey-Based Case Study Analysis